Maternity Photo Shoot {Suffern Maternity Photographer}- Suffern, NY

Last Friday, I had the pleasure of photographing this wonderful couple. They are expecting and wanted to capture this special time in their life with some photographs.  Here is a sneak peak of some of my favorites from the session. 

Day 8 {Upper West Side Newborn Photographer}- UWS, NYC

Last week, I had the pleasure of photographing this little guy at his Upper West Side home.  He’s adorable sleeping smile melted my heart. We did one photograph of him sleeping on top of a rocking horse that was made by his grandfather for his mom when she was a little girl. He couldn’t have looked sweeter.

8 Months {Hoboken Baby Photographer}- Hoboken, NJ

As a photographer, its so special for me to see babies grow- I first met this little guy when he was so tiny (  How he is 8 months old and couldn’t be any cuter! I photographed him at his Hoboken home and along the waterfront. Here are a few of my favorite photographs from the session!!!

Day 8 {Upper West Side Newborn Photographer}- UWS, NYC

Here is a sneak peak from a newborn session last week with this handsome 8 day old baby boy. The session took place at his home on the Upper West Side in Manhattan. The soft Manhattan light lit up his little face so beautifully!

Day 12 {Upper East Side Newborn Photographer}- UES, NYC

I had the *best* time photographing this little guy last week.  He killed me with his raised eyebrow sleeping smile and adorable mow-hawk.  His parents were such lovely people and I feel so honored to have been able to spend a morning with them capturing their precious new arrival! 

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